Welcome to EatWellThriveBetter! We’re excited to embark on this journey toward better health and wellness with you. To ensure a successful partnership, it’s important that both sides understand what to expect. Let’s lay out our mutual commitments:

What You Can Expect from Us:

Free First Consultation

You’ll have a free initial consultation with our certified nutrition and lifestyle coach to help you select the appropriate Subscription
Once Subscribed with us :
  1. Personalized Diet Plan: We will provide you with a comprehensive diet plan designed to meet your unique health and wellness goals.
  2. Weekly Consultations: You’ll receive weekly consultations to track your progress, discuss any challenges, and make necessary adjustments.
  3. Dedicated WhatsApp Support: We’re here 24/7 to address any questions or concerns that may arise during your journey via whatsapp chat.
  4. Training App Access: You’ll gain access to our training app, which includes a variety of exercises, diet plans, and tools for tracking your weight, stats, and even uploading progress photos.

What We Expect from You:

Once subscribed with us :

  1. Adherence to the Recommended Diet: We kindly request your commitment to follow the recommended diet diligently. It’s a crucial part of your journey to better health.
  2. Accurate Measurement of Quantities: Please measure recommended quantities accurately. If you wish to make adjustments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we’ll guide you on how to enjoy your favorite foods within the plan.
  3. Dedication to Recommended Exercises: Dedicate yourself to the recommended exercise regimen, as it plays a significant role in achieving your wellness goals.
  4. Open Communication: For those occasional cheat days or any questions or concerns, we encourage open and transparent communication with us. We’re here to help and provide guidance.

Subscription Start Date:

Your subscription officially begins on the day after you receive your diet plan and access to the exercises on our application. We want to make sure you have everything in place before your journey officially commences.

Thank you for choosing EatWellThriveBetter. Together, we will work towards your health and wellness goals. 🌱💪